What is RIC?
Reconciling in Christ is a program of the ELCA that supports congregations in their desire to become a more inclusive congregation.
“We are Lutherans working with the recognition that racism, sexism, ageism, able-ism, heterosexism, homophobia, and all the other artificial distinctions that seek to raise one group into privilege and preference over another, conspire together to diminish our world and church.”
“Reconciliation is a fundamental value; it is what the Apostle Paul says we are all called to do. Through our Reconciling in Christ Program, ministries, resources, events and alliances, ReconcilingWorks builds community for worship, education and support; fosters welcome and acceptance in all Lutheran settings; and advocates for the ecclesial changes necessary to ensure full participation in all sacraments, inclusive liturgical resources, and ministries of the Church, inviting all people into Gospel lives of authenticity, integrity, and wholeness.”
We were called by the council to participate in this program. It’s a journey and a process that takes time and we will go at whatever pace is best for our congregation. Our committee is participating in a formal curriculum that helps us guide our congregation through the journey.
Who are the committee members? NOTE: anyone interested can join at any time
Pastor T
Later today, you will receive a survey via Constant Contact that asks for your thoughts and opinions regarding this process. Although Constant Contact only goes to certain email addresses, we ask that each person who considers Trinity their worship home fills out an individual survey. If you prefer a hard copy of the survey, you can pick one up in the church library or request one be sent to you by contacting the church office. We want to hear from any interested person in order to make this the most inclusive and comprehensive journey possible.
You can submit individual questions and comments at any time during the RIC journey to our email address, which our church members have access to elsewhere. You can also submit anonymously via the RIC Question/Comment Google Form or drop box in the library. The committee will periodically review and answer these during worship.
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