MAR 26TH - 10am, YQA session during service (KATHY)
No specific Questions or Comment submissions for this month
Remind the congregation how to submit Q&C
Online form link in the bulletin
Narthex box with paper forms
Sacristy Hall box with paper forms
Can also turn in paper forms in Offering plate
Email or hand your Q&C to any of our RIC core team members
Remind the congregation of the visualization exercise from Mar 12th and ask that people continue to submit their responses for our core team’s consideration and discussion (bowl up front again)
Request that people note on their paper if they would like to opt-out of their anonymous submission being shared or used outside of the core team discussions in the future.
Good morning Trinity family. We had no question or comment submissions this month, so we'd like to take this time to remind you how those can be submitted. If you prefer to do so online, there is a form link available, or you may email any of the RIC core team members directly. If you'd like to submit a paper form, there is a box in the Narthex and we are now also using the wall mounted box outside the Sacristy kitchen. You may also place them in the offering plate or hand them directly to an RIC team member. We love to hear from you.
Two weeks ago, we led a visualization exercise meant to help us think about a time when we, or someone we know, felt excluded. Thank you to everyone who shared your thoughts and experiences with us. They inspired such good and meaningful discussion that we would like to share some of that with you in the future. To do that, we are asking you to please continue submitting your experiences, and indicate, “Yes please share,” or “Please do not share” so we will know if we may use them outside of core team discussions. These will still be anonymous.
Thank you again for your continuing support of this committee and the work we do with you as Trinity strives to live into God's commandment to love and welcome everyone. Thank you.
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