RIC “Prideful Moments” August 6, 2023
I don’t know about you, but somehow when we get to August, I hear myself and others saying “where did the summer go?” Radio ads are promoting back to school supply purchases and it feels like a lifetime since June; but this past June was not like previous ones, because our Reconciling in Christ team sponsored five activities and for those who might not have been able to attend, I did a recap interview of some who did attend just to share their thoughts:
On June 8th, there was a showing of the film Disclosure – a story showing Hollywood’s depiction of transgender people and the impact it has had both on this community and the broader American culture. One participant shared that it was an honest look at how transgender individuals were portrayed in early movies which contributed to stereotypes that followed. It was educational as well, and very well presented.
On June 18th, Pastor T led a discussion of understanding scripture and our LBGTQIA plus neighbors – starting first with a slide show and then an open discussion starting with the Old Testament and looking at both how some passages can be interpreted while also putting them into the context of the events that were occurring at the same time for additional perspectives.
June 22 was just plain fun – a Rainbow Potluck and Tie dye event – who knew how simple crafts and good food can create an atmosphere of just the joy of being together?
The sermon for June 25th
was one that made an impression on the people I spoke with who
attended – [Transcript available to members in the church library or speak to Pastor T]
And on June 26th, a book group that had been reading the story Intersex hosted a viewing of the documentary Stories of Intersex and Faith and the author of the book was also there to answer questions. Again, it was very educational about how early decisions made for people before they have a chance to make the decision for themselves can create a lifetime of impact.
June was a month to be open for learning and we hope that all who participated came away with a new sense of community. Thank you!